Detection & Response

Detect, respond, and manage unwanted incidents

Our Security Operations Center (SOC) is ready to detect and neutralize risks swiftly, ensuring your organization's resilience in a volatile digital landscape. We offer a robust, cost-effective solution tailored for your digital environment, leveraging the advanced capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel. 

Our 24/7/365 expert team empowers your enterprise not just with cutting-edge defenses, but with a collaborative shield—where insights from across our client network fortify your security. Anticipate cyber incidents, respond decisively, and maintain compliance with top industry standards. With SOC, you are in command while retaining ownership of your data.

A cost-efficient, scalable and transparent service

Why Microsoft Sentinel?

Partnering with us for Sentinel services means benefiting from smarter security playbooks, cost-effective operations, and a pricing model that puts you in control, all while keeping your security measures sharp and efficient.

Leveraging Sentinel in your cybersecurity strategy offers significant advantages, tailor-made to enhance your security posture while optimizing operational efficiency. Our approach with Sentinel revolves around the deployment of smart playbooks, refined and enriched, directly benefiting every organization we partner with.


Trust and transparency

Choosing Sentinel means you can delegate the complexities of management to us while retaining full control. This allows you to focus on core business activities, trusting in our expertise to strengthen your security posture.

Regular meetings ensure transparency and control, providing you with clear insights and oversight of your operations, designed to review performance, discuss strategic improvements, and ensure your measures are aligned with your objectives.


Cost-efficient and easily managed

We are committed to helping you manage costs effectively, advising on the most relevant log sources to keep consumption manageable without compromising on security. We offer guidance on optimizing your Sentinel setup, ensuring you receive maximum value from your investment.

Our pricing model is based on consumption, offering you a flexible and scalable solution that grows with your needs. This approach ensures you only pay for what you use, making it a cost-effective option for enhancing your cybersecurity resilience.

Anders B. Hovden

Head of Sales and Marketing, Norway

+47 22 45 91 50